Start playing online Hangman game.
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About online Hangman game
Change setting of the game by using the dropdown menus. You are called “the guesser”.
- Word representation: The word is represented by a series of underscores, with each underscore representing a letter in the word. For example, if the word is “hangman,” it would initially be represented as “_ _ _ _ _ _ _” (6 underscores).
- Guessing letters: The player, often called the “guesser,” tries to guess the letters in the word. The guesser suggests a letter, and if that letter is in the word, the computer then reveals its correct positions. If the guessed letter is not in the word, a part of a stick figure (representing a hangman) is drawn.
- Limited incorrect guesses: The guesser has a limited number of incorrect guesses (represented by the incomplete hangman figure). The goal is to guess the word before completing the hangman.
- Winning and losing: The game continues until the guesser either correctly guesses the entire word or makes the maximum allowed incorrect guesses. If the guesser correctly guesses the word, they win. If the hangman is completed before the word is guessed, then you lose.
The game is a balance of strategy and deduction for the guesser and often includes a bit of creativity in choosing the right word. It’s a fun and engaging word game that can be played in various settings.
Make the game better?
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